Metal works

Autumn's Window: 44" x 38".
Contact Artist about obtaining
this piece or other "Window"
themes: Magnolias, snow capped
mountains, sea cliffs....

Leaves are ground to catch the light and heated to special
Leaves are ground to catch the light and heated to special "autumn" colors.
Size: 44
Size: 44" x 38"
The illusion is that this is a window with regular glass. Though this piece can be 'seen through'; it is without glass.
The illusion is that this is a window with regular glass. Though this piece can be 'seen through'; it is without glass.

Special patina work for the frame edging.
Special patina work for the frame edging.

On either side of this picture, examples of the leaves for corners.
On either side of this picture, examples of the leaves for corners.

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